A New Story from The Draakonor Chronicles

The Tomb of the Forgotten King is a new story from The Draakonor Chronicles, available for download when you sign up for my newsletter.

After stumbling upon a mysterious ruin long hidden beneath the ice, Ander, a young adventurer with little to his name save for his sword and his wits, struggles to rescue a friend and traveling companion. His quest leads him into the decaying hall of a forgotten king where he must confront an ancient evil and battle not just for his life, but for his very soul.

The Tomb of the Forgotten King takes place several years before the events of The Draakonor Chronicles when Ander is first setting out to explore the world of Ninavar.

In my youth I was a big fan of Conan the Barbarian and read all of Robert E. Howard’s original stories as well as the expanded book series written and edited by Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp, and the Marvel comics series. The Tomb of the Forgotten King is a something of an homage to Howard’s stories (and I even included a nod to one of Howard’s early tales in the story—did you find it?).

I have more stories like this, that don’t really fit into overall arc of the book series, but are still fun to write and, hopefully, to read. When next the mood strikes me, you’ll find it here.